
一个留着短发戴着眼镜的年轻人, 穿着黑色的衣服, 在一个阳光明媚的日子里,我走过音乐中心的招牌, 带着吉他盒, indicating they are possibly heading to or from a music lesson or performance.


Approximately one-third of students are enrolled in the music program each trimester. 我们提供七种音乐表演课程:合唱, 多元化音乐合奏, 爵士根乐团, 主人的歌手, 韦德娱乐app下载地址精英合唱团及声乐表演工作坊. 每个班全年都有几场演出. 还提供不良课程, 比如60年代的音乐, 独立音乐-重塑音乐世界, 耳朵训练和音乐理论, 使用压轴写作和编曲, 爵士理论与作曲, 和写歌.

These classes are taught by highly skilled teachers who are working music professionals with real-world experience in the music industry and performance arena. 他们会带上他们的联系人, 专业知识, 并将经验带入课堂, 创造一个富有创造力和影响力的课程的源泉 那里经常有行业专业人士.



Cathy Block P'14,音乐/舞蹈系主任


声乐表演工作坊 大师班是关于声乐训练和表演的吗, 重点是声乐技巧的培养, 学会在研讨会中建设性地批评同事, 学会接受建设性的批评和表现. 这堂课的音乐背景很大, 从音乐剧歌曲到当代音乐. Students will perform as an ensemble but will also get at least 2 themed song assignments. 对于这些作业, 他们将为全班表演, 接收反馈, and give a repeat performance after they’ve incorporated suggestions from the workshop. 主题的一个例子可能是二重唱, 在哪里老师会让两个学生就一首选定的歌曲配对. 其他主题可以是:三部分和声, 特定的艺术家或音乐家, 或者不同类型的音乐, 比如流行音乐或民谣. 如果有学生演奏乐器, they will be encour年龄d to accompany themselves or collaborate with classmates. Students will audition for a performance slot at the end of the trimester concert. 乐团将与现场钢琴家和/或室内乐队一起演出. This class serves as a good resource for anyone who loves to sing and is ideal for students who plan to audition for collegiate-level music or theater programs.

合唱 is a performance class using group and harmony singing in a variety of styles. 学生通过体育锻炼来增强和提高声乐技能, 呼吸, 协调, 节奏技巧. 合唱团有各种各样的现场表演机会, and several students have been selected for Bucks County 音乐 Educator's Association County 合唱 over the past ten years.

从巴赫到冷演奏再到非洲和中国民谣, 多元化音乐合奏 is designed to celebrate musical diversity across different styles, eras and cultures. 弹弓和弹拨乐器的弦乐器演奏者, 歌手, 键盘手, 敲击乐, 而且风演奏者都是受欢迎的. 也是本着音乐多样性的精神, we often collaborate with students of other ensembles or other select musicians at Solebury. 学生学习建立一个强大的音乐团队的艺术, 节奏同步, 在团队中扮演支持和独舞的角色.

爵士根乐团 演奏爵士乐或受爵士乐影响的音乐,但不限于该流派. 作为一个乐器和声乐组合, 学生们演奏过从迈尔斯·戴维斯到英格丽·迈克尔森的所有作品, 以及我们乐队成员的原创作品. Improvisation, listening, ear development, and playing as a tight unit are key in this class. We perform evening concerts, as well as making school assembly appearances. 听爵士根乐团表演学生创作的歌曲...


主人的歌手 一个由12-16名学生组成的精选小组是否属于较大的合唱团. Participation in the Masters Singers is by invitation or audition only. The 主人的歌手 have additional opportunities to perform and must audition for the Bucks County 音乐 Educators 合唱.

摇滚乐队 is a class devoted solely to playing 和执行 contemporary and classic rock. 来体验一下在乐队里的感觉吧. 学生们学习排练, 阶段的存在, 表现技巧, 以及如何为乐队安排精彩的音乐. 我们的音乐会很有趣,声音很大,通常能让观众动起来. 欢迎声乐家和乐器演奏家.

韦德娱乐app下载地址精英乐团 is an ensemble designed for the musical student who plays at a very advanced level. Students are admitted by audition or at the discretion of the music director. Though preference will be given to those who are well grounded in the classical style and who can fluently read music notation, students will have the opportunity to study a mix of musical styles with all of their particular characteristics. 每个学生在选择合奏曲目时都有自己的角色. 整个学年的表演包括学校集会, 学校拍卖, 期末音乐会, 以及其他校外场地待定. 听索莱伯里精英乐团的表演...

In 独立音乐和它是如何重塑音乐世界 我们用skype和我们报道的一些艺术家聊天, 还有和音乐经纪人的对话, 制片人和电台主持人.

In 制作音乐与逻辑专业 students will become familiar with Logic, which is a widely used DAW in the recording industry. 他们将使用Logic编写原创音乐并为电影片段配乐, and 接收反馈 on their work learning compositional and arranging techniques. 

你听谁的歌? From Post Malone to Beyonce, Ariana Grande to Dua Lipa, Adele to the Weeknd—what’s your jam? In 美国流行音乐 we start from the minstrels of the 1800s and traveling right up to rap, 我们将踏上一段启发性的旅程. Listen to some great music and learn the stories that made the music you love. This is the ever-evolving and profoundly complex story of American Pop music. 它可能会让你大吃一惊

In 写歌 我们深入研究歌曲创作的具体细节. 我们强调发现你自己独特的创作声音, while developing a vocabulary and understanding of what makes other songs, 作家也很棒.

声乐表演工作坊 大师班是关于声乐训练和表演的吗. 它强调声乐技巧的培养, 学会在研讨会中建设性地批评同事, 和执行. 



作为对学生的服务, the music department can arrange for outside music teachers to come to 韦德娱乐app下载地址 to provide private lessons, 包括钢琴, 的声音, 小号, 长笛, 小提琴, 中提琴, 吉他, 低音吉他, 低音提琴, 萨克斯风, 和鼓. 一份音乐教师的名单可应要求提供.


考虑索莱伯里学校? 阅读我们的 给未来音乐系学生的信.