It is natural during Covid to feel a sense of loss because we weren’t able to eng年龄 in the typical shenanigans and allegedly ironic enthusiasm surrounding boarding traditions that make Solebury such a fun place to be. However, with spring around the corner and the virus on the decline, these traditions will be back!
多样性是韦德娱乐app下载地址学校的核心. 从我们的 全球教育集中度 对我们的 出国旅行和学生交流, our students learn to understand and appreciate their roles as global citizens—that includes deliberately creating a student body drawn from around the United States and the world. 为此,我们以多种方式欢迎国际学生.
- 半年和一年制课程
- 多年课程,最终获得索伯里学校文凭
- 研究生项目
- 交流项目
Learn more about this opportunity to make a Solebury School education possible for students from all areas of our world.
在过去的五年里, 索利伯里学校的学生中包括阿富汗公民, 百慕大, 加拿大, 中国, 捷克共和国, 厄瓜多尔, 法国, 德国, 日本, 墨西哥, 摩洛哥, 尼日利亚, 俄罗斯, 卢旺达, 韩国, 西班牙, 瑞士, 泰国, 乌克兰, 和越南.
韦德娱乐app下载地址的 Director of Strategic 招生 Initiatives/Assistant Director of Financial Aid...
“I was born and raised in south-central Pennsylvania on a farm that produced everything from American Bison to Poinsettias during my formative years. My whole world existed in one small town in the middle of Pennsylvania and I was largely unaware of other 文化 and places. 当我上高中的时候, I was lucky enough to attend a boarding school that offered me the chance to take my first international trip. In 2004 I spent the summer living and studying the German langu年龄 in 瑞士, 德国, 和奥地利. 这对我来说是一个开创性的时刻,从很多方面来说,我都没有回头. 从那以后,我抓住一切机会去新的地方旅行, including 6 months of field research spent living off the grid in the Australian rainforest, 还去过其他十几个国家. 我看到了全球公民的巨大价值, 新体验, 把自己赶出舒适区. I think Solebury is a great place for students to live and learn to be well-rounded global citizens. 我们有一个繁荣的, diverse community at Solebury and I look forward to meeting students who are excited to join our school!”
To discuss any of 韦德娱乐app下载地址’s international program options, please contact Jordan:
电话:215.862.5261 ext. 129
Skype ID:
WhatsApp:(717) 360 5300
韦德娱乐app下载地址的 国际招聘总监是一个真正的世界公民...
“I’m elated to have joined my alma mater 韦德娱乐app下载地址 as the 国际招聘总监.
在回来之前, 我在北京工作和生活了四年半, 中国 as an 英语 teacher instructing and mentoring Chinese high school students at an international boarding school. 在上述期间, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to travel to numerous countries around the world and build lifetime bonds of mutual trust and respect with people from all walks of life. I welcome and savor the opportunity to build bridges between people from different countries, 文化, 和背景. As a former boarding student and now a dorm head at one of our student residences, I have a profound appreciation for and understanding of everything the "life on campus experience" has to offer here at Solebury.
I look forward to sharing my firsthand knowledge and information about the unique and close-knit 韦德娱乐app下载地址 community with prospective families across the globe!”
To discuss any of 韦德娱乐app下载地址’s international program options, please contact 拉施德:
电话: 215.862.5261 ext. 137
传真: 215.862.3366
Skype ID:
托福机构代码: 9695
圣代码: 7390
WhatsApp: (609) 638-2673
微信: rashad_shabazz
来自约旦的博客文章 & 拉施德
My faith in Solebury’s profound commitment to being “what school should be” and its pledge of respect for all individuals has not wavered. 现在还有,将来也会有更多的问题需要解决, and I am confident we can work through them together to continue to ensure our community connections stay strong and we deliver a world-class education 对我们的 students. 我们可以共同构建一个“更好”的新常态.