Congratulations again on your acceptance to Solebury! We are so excited to be at this moment with you and to have your family become part of our family! The information and events below are to help you as you finalize your school decision and then to help those of you who enroll to begin to find your people here and to have your Solebury years get off to an amazing start. 一如既往,请随时联系 斯科特Eckstein 如果有任何问题.
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The below events are mostly for students to begin to get to know one another. 然而, there also are a few for parents to begin to get to know one another and to help you learn what you need to know.
NOTE: 所有周三活动 (5月22日活动除外) 将会在 在美国东部时间晚上7点.
Recurring Zoom Link for all virtual Events: http://solebury.zoom.us/j/82972273119
5月15日星期三 |
寻宝游戏 |
5月22日星期三下午4点 | 9th grade student and parent meeting to discuss and help with course selection. We will help incoming 10th, 11th, and 12th graders with this process individually. 看这里 |
6月9日星期日下午4点至5点45分 |
In person gathering for new students and parents on campus. 地点:食堂附近 |
7月10日星期三 |
逃避放大 |
7月17日星期三上午11点 |
Session 1 of Get Your Questions Answered. 与住宿生活主任会面, 护士长, 总辅导员, 学生支持主任, and others to get answers to any questions you have at this moment. |
7月17日星期三晚上7点 | Session 2 of Get Your Questions Answered. This will be the same format as the 11am session and is designed as an option for those who couldn't make the earlier time. 你不应该两个会议都来. |
7月24日星期三 |
幻灯片分享. 制作一个关于某件事的ppt...任何东西. We have done this before and it was awesome. Some topics were, “Why pen spinning is cool”, “Why certain shapes of pasta are better than others”. You can present or just watch and observe. |
7月31日星期三 | Virtual Orientation Activity for Students - Specific activity to be determined |
8月25日星期日下午5点至7点 | 新的家庭野餐. 地点:食堂附近 |
8月26日星期一至8月30日星期五 |
秋季运动季前赛 |
9月3日星期二 |
寄宿学生搬进宿舍. Full Day Orientation for Students and 父母 |
9月4日星期三 |
Full day Orientation for Day Students and 父母. |
9月5日星期四 |
开学第一天 |
斯科特Eckstein, 招生主任, would be happy to review 任何东西 shared above, or answer any other questions you might have. 你可以在 seckstein@zongcaikecheng.com or 215.862.5261. 谢谢你!!